Walls affected by moisture and salt deposits on their surface are not only a visual problem, but bring with them a number of more serious problems. This can lead to damage to interior coatings, render, and brickwork. When renovating a building damaged by moisture, it is only possible to ensure a permanently dry environment through expert application of complex renovation measures that should be carried out in the following basic phases:
Primary renovation measures– removing the causes of the moisture, i.e. limiting the transfer of moisture e.g. to above-ground sections of the masonry (trimming, chemical injection, etc.).
Secondary renovation measures– treatment of the salt-affected masonry and renovation of the render – application of the Baumit Sanova renovation rendering systems and suitable finish.
Renovation renders are noted for their high porosity and vapour permeability, as well as their low fluid absorbence and resistance to the effects of salt. The porous structure of the render allows for retention of salt in the structure of the render, which allows the surface of the render to remain dry with no salt deposits. Renovation rendering systems create pleasant conditions for natural drying of masonry.
An optimally balanced system with basecoat made of trass and hydraulic lime, suitable wherever the use of cement-free rendering systems is required. Tested and monitored according to WTA guidelines.
Working bonus: This is a single-layer render. If you prefer a fine, granulated appearance (grain size 1 mm), there’s no longer any need to apply stucco plaster. Render may be machine applied on larger buildings. Render thickness depends on application (interior, exterior) and level of impact of moisture and salt on masonry.
For interior and exterior masonry with moderate to low moisture and salt content. Ideal solution for investors with ecological sensibility: Treatment of moisture and improvement of thermal insulation characteristics, all in one.
For masonry with low moisture and salt content. Cement render with high strength. Suitable wherever long-term protection is required for exposed sections of walls in interiors and exteriors, basements, plinths, and more.
For proper functioning of renovation renders and preservation of their natural vapour permeability, it is important to select the right interior coat as well. We recommend using Baumit KlimaColor high vapour-permeable waterglass interior paint, with no preservatives, solvents, or odor. Contributes to an improved interior climate. Available in soft shades according to the Baumit Life sample book (shades ending with the numbers 7 - 9).
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